Denis Butin

I am an IT security manager at DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung), the German air navigation service provider.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the CDC group (Theoretical Computer Science — Cryptography and Computer Algebra) at TU Darmstadt in Germany and a postdoctoral researcher at Inria, in the CITI lab near Lyon in France. There, I was part of the CAPPRIS Project Lab, the Privatics team and the PARIS FP7 project. I was previously involved in the FI-WARE PPP.

I hold a PhD from the DCU School of Computing and am a CISSP (2024).

Contact Information
LinkedIn profile


I previously worked on long-term security and on post-quantum cryptography, specifically on practical aspects of hash-based (Merkle) signatures. The project website can be found at and

At Inria, I worked on accountability for design and security policy languages.

The topic of my PhD thesis was the analysis of security protocols using formal methods, with the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. My dissertation: [pdf | slides]

Standardisation and working documents

  • RFC 8391: XMSS: eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme — Andreas Hülsing, Denis Butin, Stefan-Lukas Gazdag, Joost Rijneveld, and Aziz Mohaisen — IETF — May 2018. [HTML]

Book chapters

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography: State of the Art — Johannes Buchmann, Denis Butin, Florian Göpfert and Albrecht Petzoldt — in The New Codebreakers, Springer LNCS, 2016. [web | pdf]
  • Strong Accountability: Beyond Vague Promises — Denis Butin, Marcos Chicote and Daniel Le Métayer — in Reloading Data Protection: Multidisciplinary Insights and Contemporary Challenges, Springer, 2014. [web | pdf]

Journal papers

  • The Status of Quantum-Key-Distribution-Based Long-Term Secure Internet Communication — Matthias Geihs, Oleg Nikiforov, Denise Demirel, Alexander Sauer, Denis Butin, Felix Günther, Gernot Alber, Thomas Walther, and Johannes Buchmann — in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing , IEEE, 2019. [web | pdf]
  • Hash-Based Signatures: State of Play — Denis Butin — in IEEE Security & Privacy, Volume 15, Issue 4, IEEE, 2017. [web | pdf]
  • Body-worn Cameras for Police Accountability: Opportunities and RisksFanny Coudert, Denis Butin and Daniel Le Métayer — in Computer Law & Security Review (CLSR), Volume 31, Issue 6, Elsevier, 2015. [web | pdf]

Conference and workshop papers with proceedings

  • Function-Dependent Commitments from Homomorphic Authenticators — Lucas Schabhüser, Denis Butin, and Johannes Buchmann — 24th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2019), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf]
  • Context Hiding Multi-Key Linearly Homomorphic Authenticators — Lucas Schabhüser, Denis Butin, and Johannes Buchmann — Cryptographers Track RSA Conference (CT-RSA 2019), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf]
  • Selecting Secret Sharing Instantiations for Distributed Storage Systems — Giulia Traverso, Paul Moritz Ranly, Denis Butin, and Johannes Buchmann — 7th International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing (SCC 2019), ACM. [web | pdf]
  • Coalition-Resistant Peer Rating for Long-Term Confidentiality — Giulia Traverso, Denis Butin, Alex Palesandro, and Johannes Buchmann — 16th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST 2018), IEEE. [web | pdf | slides]
  • Function-Dependent Commitments for Verifiable Multi-Party Computation — Lucas Schabhüser, Denis Butin, Denise Demirel, and Johannes Buchmann — 21st Information Security Conference (ISC 2018), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf]
  • CHQS: Publicly Verifiable Homomorphic Signatures Beyond the Linear Case — Lucas Schabhüser, Denis Butin, and Johannes Buchmann — 14th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2018), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf]
  • Differential Power Analysis of XMSS and SPHINCSMatthias J. Kannwischer, Aymeric Genêt, Denis Butin, Juliane Krämer and Johannes Buchmann — 9th International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE 2018), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf | slides (presented by Matthias J. Kannwischer)]
  • Post-Quantum Authentication in OpenSSL with Hash-Based Signatures — Denis Butin, Julian Wälde and Johannes Buchmann — Tenth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2017), IEEE. [web | pdf | slides]
  • Analysing Privacy Analyses — Giampaolo Bella, Denis Butin and Hugo Jonker — 1st Italian Conference On Cybersecurity (ITASEC17), [web | pdf]
  • State Management for Hash-Based Signatures — David McGrew, Panos Kampanakis, Scott Fluhrer, Stefan-Lukas Gazdag, Denis Butin and Johannes Buchmann — 3rd International Conference on Research in Security Standardisation (SSR2016), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf | slides (presented by Stefan-Lukas Gazdag)]
  • Formal Policy-based Provenance Audit — Denis Butin, Denise Demirel, and Johannes Buchmann — 11th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC2016), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf | slides]
  • Formal Accountability for Biometric Surveillance: A Case StudyVinh-Thong Ta, Denis Butin and Daniel Le Métayer — Annual Privacy Forum (APF2015), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf | slides (presented by Vinh-Thong Ta)]
  • Real-World Post-Quantum Digital Signatures — Denis Butin, Stefan-Lukas Gazdag and Johannes Buchmann — Cybersecurity & Privacy Innovation Forum (CSP Forum 2015), Springer CCIS. [web | pdf | slides]
  • A Guide to End-to-End Privacy Accountability — Denis Butin and Daniel Le Métayer — 1st International Workshop on TEchnical and LEgal aspects of data pRIvacy and SEcurity (TELERISE 2015), IEEE. [web | pdf | slides]
  • Inferring Accountability from Trust PerceptionsKoen Decroix, Denis Butin, Joachim Jansen and Vincent Naessens — 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2014), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf | slides (presented by Koen Decroix)] The code for this paper moved from Google Code to GitHub. It can now be found here.
  • Towards a Multidisciplinary Framework to Include Privacy in the Design of Video Surveillance Systems — Zhendong Ma, Denis Butin, Francisco Jaime, Fanny Coudert, Antonio Kung, Claire Gayrel, Antonio Maña, Christophe Jouvray, Nathalie Trussart, Nathalie Grandjean, Víctor Manuel Hidalgo, Mathias Bossuet, Fernando Casado and M. Carmen Hidalgo — Annual Privacy Forum 2014 (APF2014), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf | slides (presented by Zhendong Ma)]
  • Log Analysis for Data Protection Accountability — Denis Butin and Daniel Le Métayer — 19th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM2014), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf | slides]
  • Log Design for Accountability — Denis Butin, Marcos Chicote and Daniel Le Métayer — 4th International Workshop on Data Usage Management (DUMA13), IEEE. [web | pdf | slides]
  • Towards Verifying Voter Privacy Through Unlinkability — Denis Butin, David Gray and Giampaolo Bella — 5th International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS 2013), Springer LNCS. [web | pdf | slides]
  • Verifying Privacy by Little Interaction and No Process Equivalence (position paper) — Denis Butin and Giampaolo Bella — 9th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2012), INSTICC Press. [web | pdf | slides]
  • Holistic Analysis of Mix Protocols — Giampaolo Bella, Denis Butin and David Gray — 7th International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2011), IEEE. [web | pdf | slides]

Conference and workshop papers without proceedings

Technical reports

  • Log Analysis for Data Protection Accountability (Extended Version) — Denis Butin and Daniel Le Métayer — Inria research report — 2013. [pdf]
  • Authenticated Share Renewal for Proactive Secret Sharing — Giulia Traverso, Lucas Schabhüser, Denis Butin, and Johannes Buchmann — TU Darmstadt research report — 2018. [pdf]

Panel participations

Presentations without published proceedings

Program Committee participations


External reviewer for the Springer International Journal of Information Security (IJIS), the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), ESORICS 2014, ESORICS 2015, ESORICS 2017.


Master thesis supervision (jointly with Juliane Krämer): Matthias Kannwischer, Physical Attack Vulnerability of Hash-Based Signature Schemes, 2017.

From 2008 to 2010, I was a tutor for the Computing for Mathematics module (CA167) at DCU.


A piece of Internet history: Bennett, C., Edge, S., and A. Hinchley, "Issues in the Interconnection of Datagram Networks", Internet Experiment Note (IEN) 1, INDRA Note 637, PSPWN 76, July 1977: ien001.pdf

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Last updated on 2024-10-05